SOLLEY Co-ordinator’s Report April 2022

George Solly By George Solly

Just one enquiry in this period from Bruce Smith regarding Joseph Solly of Heath House, Shooters Hill, Greenwich which his son had recently moved into:
Bruce Smith:
“My son has purchased part of Heath House, 1 Shooters Hill Rd. One of your articles suggested that Joseph Solly either owned the villa or lived in it. We are trying to trace the records of the previous occupants.
May I ask if you have an idea as to when Mr and Mrs Solly occupied the building? Many thanks, Bruce Smith”
I replied:
Thank you for your enquiry regarding Joseph Solly (JS). From the Sole Society article of 2017 you know that JS lived at Heath House, Shooters Hill Road. His brother-in-law Benjamin Cooke is stated to have built the house in 1850 (ref. Historic England) but the Census of 1841 shows JS and wife Sarah Cooke as living at Shooters Hill Rd, Greenwich.
I can’t find JS in the 1851 census, but by 1861 they were living at 103 Cedar Terrace, Putney. JS was a wholesale hosier and dyer and had various business addresses in the City of London (Aldermanbury)
from 1834 (Electoral Register) – 1870 (PO London Directory). JS’s address at death in 1871 was Gweedore Lodge, Eltham Rd., Lee, as well as King Edward St., Newgate St., City of London which was his business address.
So, in summary Joseph and Sarah didn’t live at Heath House that long, and there is the discrepancy on dates 1850/1841. If the build date of 1850 is correct perhaps there was a previous house on the site or an adjacent one.
Bruce replied:
Dear George
Thank you very much for the prompt reply. We will try to look into the 1840-51 period.
Many thanks, Bruce Smith
[Ed: we have emailed Bruce to ask for a photo of the house and if he sends one we will include it in the next journal]