Sole Society Virtual Meeting 17th October 2021

By Rosemary Bailey

This article was published in the August 2021 edition of Soul Search, the Journal of The Sole Society

There are two things I wanted to bring your attention to. Firstly we are delighted to be holding a Virtual Meeting on Sunday October 17th. There are more details below. We do hope that many of our members who are unable to attend our annual gatherings will be able to attend and it will be lovely to see some new faces. We have tried to pick a time that will suit the most members possible and would like to apologise to those members for whom it is inconvenient. The meeting will be recorded and made available.
The second bit of exciting news is that at we are starting to look at the way we can use DNA to help our research. We have two projects underway. Linda Butler and Maureen Storey are running a pilot study for the Sole surname to look at ‘matches’ for DNA tests, more information on this is opposite. John Saul is going to focus on the Y DNA. This is the DNA which is passed from father to son, and will be of particular use from members with our surname. It is still useful, but less so, if you don’t fit into that category.

Sole Society Virtual Meeting
October 17th, 5pm, GMT via Zoom

Talk: Autosomal DNA and One-name Studies
by John Titterton

A short AGM will take place during the meeting. The zoom link for this meeting will be sent by email to members nearer the time.