SOLE Co-ordinator’s Report December 2023

Maureen Storey By Maureen Storey

In this journal we welcome two new members: Julie Herron and Janet Stansfield, and four returning members: Hilary Hale, Matthew Fraser Moat, Tim Mander and Tony Jackson.
Julie is researching the family of Frederick George Sole and Elizabeth Ann McEvoy, who married in Mountmellick, Ireland on 26 Feb 1900. According to family tradition Frederick met Elizabeth after going to Ireland for work. Elizabeth’s parents only consented to their marriage on the condition that the couple lived and raised their children in Ireland. The couple’s first four children, all daughters, were born in Ballydull, Ireland, but by about 1908 Frederick had become seriously ill with rheumatic fever and it was decided that for health reasons the family would move to England. They settled in Churchill, Oxdford, where Frederick had been born, and had a further four children (this time all sons) Frederick died in 1966 and Elizabeth in 1961. Frederick was the 3xgt grandson of William Soul and Mary Sansom, who married in Cirencester in 1749.
Janet’s 2xgt grandmother Sarah Soal married Stephen Letchford in Erith, Kent, in 1853. Their first two children were born in Northfleet, Kent, and their second two in Poplar, Middlesex. Sarah Soal’s family has been traced back to John Soale, who married Jane Gray in 1607 in West Grinstead, Sussex.
Each of the four returning members has already greatly contributed to the Society’s Sole and variants database and so their return to the Society is very pleasing.
Hilary Hale is researching the descendants of Richard Sole and Mary Master, who married in East Preston, Sussex, in 1594. Hilary’s connection to the family is through her grandmother Fanny Sarah Sole, who was born in Steyning, Sussex, in 1879 and married William Thomas Smart, a merchant seaman, in 1904.
Our records take Matthew Fraser Moat’s Sole family back to John Sole and Elizabeth Cook, who married in 1750 in Nackington, Kent. Matthew’s connection to the family is through his grandparents Herbert Moat and Mabel Sole, who married in Kent in 1919.
Tim Mander is researching his wife’s Sole ancestry which has been traced back to James Soale and Margery (Mary) Lassiter, who married in 1640 in Ashurst, Sussex.
Tony Jackson’s research is centred on the family of his grandmother Minnie Emma Soall, who married Leonard Colby in Edmonton Registration District in 1927. Our records for Minnie’s family start with the marriage of William Soal and Clementina Benson, who married in Shoreditch, Middlesex, in 1775