SOLE Co-ordinator’s Report December 2019

Maureen Storey

By Maureen Storey

In this journal we welcome as new members Vicki Soul and Jack Sole.
Vicki is continuing the research of her uncle, Brendan Soul, who was a member for many years and who shared with the Society the copious information he had on the descendants of John Soul and Keziah Clark who married in 1737 in Eastington and Alkerton, Gloucestershire. Ill-health has meant that Brendan can no longer continue his research and he has passed the reins to Vicki.
Jack Sole first approached us last February because he had been unable to find birth or death records for his great grandfather, who was known as Charles Henry Sole. The 1911 census indicated that Charles was born in Chipping Norton in 1888. The date and place of birth fitted with those of a Frederick Charles Thomas Sole in our database and when I checked our records for Frederick there was evidence from his brother’s army papers that Frederick Charles Thomas was known in the family as Charles. On purchasing Frederick Charles Thomas death certificate, Jack found that the informant was his grandmother, confirming the identification. This links Jack into our largest Gloucestershire family, which is currently headed by William Soul and Mary Sansom, who married in Cirencester in 1749. An article by Jack about his great uncle is
Our database of the descendants of George Soule of the Mayflower continues to grow rapidly and contains many interesting people, some of whom will in due course form the basis of future articles in this journal.