Saul DNA Project – An Update

By Richard Saul

This article was published in the August 2023 edition of Soul Search, the Journal of The Sole Society

It is a year since we started the Saul DNA and project and we have made some progress although we have only received a small number of DNA results. The understanding of DNA and the development of more detailed analysis is helping us to build more complete charts and identify links between them. The table overleaf shows the DNA results received to date.
My own yDNA haplogroup has recently been refined to be R-CTS241, a subclade of R-L21.
This confirms my early ancestry as being Bronze Age Settler (c2200 BC) in Ireland and matching DNA has been found in the human remains found on Rathlin Island between Northern Ireland and Scotland. Similar yDNA is also found in some US Presidents such as George Washington and JF Kennedy, and in the paternal ancestor of the Stuart monarchs. The yDNA of William Saul of Michigan (see table overleaf) is consistent with a similar Irish Celtic ancestry.
John Saul (SGA chart) has a yDNA haplogroup of J-L25 which indicates a much older and differing ancestry – originating around 6600BC in the Middle East. Even though the SGA chart is native to Southern Scotland which is adjacent to the Cumbrian Sauls there is clearly no common ancestry.
A number of Saul descendants have contributed their DNA results to the study and are available on matching sites such as GEDmatch, and Livingdna. These sites help us to verify our charts and in some cases to provide links which merge charts (John Slaughter has referred to this in his Co-ordinator’s report). In the case of my NQA chart Megan Warthold Fraser of Australia is my fifth cousin once removed and matches DNA on both livingdna and GEDmatch sites but we have no mutual matches! This shows that there are no other male Saul results on these sites.
The table of results shows where we might be able to develop the charts by use of the matching sites and by persuading any male Sauls (and Soles, Sewells etc.) to have a yDNA test (not available via If you are on a matching site and find any Saul etc. or if you match with any of the entries in the table please send details to your Research Co-ordinator or myself to identify their chart.

Richard Saul*John Saull  c 1640NQA609RL-21>R-DF13R-CTS241LivingdnaGP4728385
 Megan Warthold FraserNancy SaulNQA448  LivingdnaRA7182071
 Anne DowneyMarjorie SaulNQA200  Anc DNA 
 Helen Dorice Saul NRL118  Anc DNA 
 Sarah KearnsMargaret C Irene SaulNRL056    
 Janet H Saul NQA493  Anc DNA 
DURHAM   FECGavin Saul*John Saul 1752FEC001    
 Steph Saul*John Saul 1752FEC001    
 Barbara SaultHenry Charles SaulFEC118    
HORLEY  GRRSteph Saul*James SaulGRR001  Anc DNA 
 Rosemary  Bailey    Livingdna 
 Marcus Saul GRR448    
 Amanda Saul GRR447    
 Martin Saul GRR401    
FISHLAKE  OGRRobert A SaulRichard Saul c 1700OGR001    
 John SaulRichard Saul c 1700OGR00o1    
LANCASHIRESteve SaulChristopher SaulNJR001  NJR156 
NORTHAMPTONJohn WesterdaleWilliam Tomkins SaulBKG039  Anc DNAQA7767148
NORFOLKJohn Slaughter    Anc DNAAE1735383
 Christopher SaulRobert Saul 1779FEH001    
IRELANDUSA SaulGeorge Saul R-M269 Ftdna 
 William Saul*George Joseph Saul R-L21