SAUL Co-ordinator’s Report December 2015

John Slaughter

By John Slaughter

I am pleased to welcome new member MG Whittard. MG is a descendant of the Sawles at Gerrans, Cornwall and is currently concentrating on proving sources for James Ehud Sawle with particular emphasis on his second marriage. James Ehud Sawle was born in Dalston, London in 1857 and married firstly Emily Harding by whom we have recorded he had five children. Emily died in 1892 and nine years later James married Emma Ellen Florence Harris. On the 1911 census James and Emma were resident at 25 Spencer Road, East Ham, James occupation being given as a wine cellerman. The census records that James and Emma had been married for nine years, had five children all of whom were alive. These five children were resident in the household namely Albert Edward Sawle (9), Sidney James Sawle (8), Vera May Sawle (5), Leslie Thomas Sawle (3) and Ena Grace Sawle (4 months). I have no descendant information on these five children and hopefully MG will be able to provide some details in due course. I believe that James Ehud Sawle died in 1931.
I am writing these notes on Remembrance Sunday so it was appropriate that a few weeks ago member Dorothy Saul-Pooley wrote that she had attended the unveiling of the International Bomber Command Memorial in Lincolnshire. The memorial contains the 25,611 names of Bomber Command who lost their lives flying from Lincolnshire. Amongst those names Dorothy found L A H Saul and V W Saul.
L A H Saul is Leslie Albert Harry Saul who died on 17 October 1941 aged 21 years. He was in the RAF Volunteer Reserve and is buried at the Harwell Cemetery, Berkshire. He is described on the CWGC website and the son of Albert Frank and May Maud Saul of Barking, Essex. I can identify LAH Saul on one of our charts.
V W Saul is Victor William Saul who died on 12 June 1942 aged 22 years. He was in the RAF Volunteer Reserve and is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial. He is described on the CWGC website and the son of William Stephen and Phoebe Saul of Addlestone, Surrey. From this information I can establish that Victor and Leslie (above) are related and are second cousins.