Daniel Sewell and Frederick Sole: A Fatal Collision

By Maureen Storey

This article was published in the April 2017 edition of Soul Search, the Journal of The Sole Society

Ed: Maureen Storey, the Research Co-ordinator for the Sole surname, sent me the article below which she found the in the Essex Standard 11th August 1883. It is particularly interesting as the two main people involved were a Sewell and a Sole.

Fatal Accident to Mr. D Sewell, J.P. of Beaumont Hall
A lamentable accident occurred in High Street, Manningtree, about half-past four on Tuesday afternoon, which resulted in the death of Mr. Daniel Sewell of Beaumont Hall, a magistrate of the Tendring Hundred Division, and one of the best known and most highly esteemed men in the neighbourhood.
It seems that Mr. Sewell had attended Ipswich market on Tuesday and returned to Manningtree Station by the train due at 3.50 p.m. Accompanied by Mr. Chas Hempson of Thorpe Lodge, he drove his horse and trap (which he had left at the Railway Hotel while he went to Ipswich) into Manningtree High Street, where Mr. Hempson alighted between the bank and the White Hart Hotel, and then proceeded on his journey home. Just in front of him at this time and going in the same direction, was a one-horse van, driven by the stud groom (Fredk Sole) employed by Mr. T W Nunn, Master of the Essex and Suffolk Hounds, at the kennels at Stratford, and who was driving into Manningtree to fetch some bags of sawdust. It was near Mr. Maynard’s, the hairdresser, that the accident happened. The High Street at this point is rather narrow but there is plenty of room for two vehicles to pass. Both the vehicles were on their proper side, and Mr. Sewell was about to pass the van when, it is conjectured, the rattling of the wheels of the dog cart frightened Sole’s horse, which was going very slowly at the time and caused it to bolt. Sole endeavoured to pull his horse up, when unfortunately both reins snapped near the bridle – probably from the sudden jerk, the reins, although stout and heavy, being old ones – and Sole himself fell backwards into the van.. The horse having gained its freedom, galloped off, and as one of the witnesses stated at the inquest, ‘shot askew across the road’ so that the wheel of Mr. Sewell’s trap struck the wheel of the van with great force. The result was that the dog-cart was overturned and Mr. Sewell was thrown violently into the gutter, but his horse did not go down. Sole and others immediately went to the assistance of Mr. Sewell, who was unconscious and they carried him into Mr. Maynard’s, and subsequently to the residence of Mr. J Austin at the Brewery near by. Medical aid was sought, and Mr. J Austin (the locum tenens of Mr. T Peat) was speedily in attendance, but the injuries to the head were so serious that the case was considered from the first a hopless one, and death ensued shortly after 8 o’clock the same evening. Mrs Sewell was fetched from Beaumont Hall immediately after the accident, but though she arrived within an hour or so, her husband never regained consciousness. His brother Mr. Eade Sewell, of Little Oakley Hall, also arrived during the evening.
The news of the sad occurrence has caused a widespread feeling of sorrow and gloom in the neighbourhood. The deceased gentleman was one of the largest and most successful farmers in the Tendring Hundred if not in the whole county, and had for some years been a prominent county man, and connected with various agricultural and other societies. He was a Commissioner of Taxes, Hon Secretary of the Tendring Hundred provident Society, and a Poor-Law Guardian and Churchwarden for the parish in which he resided; and it is only due to his memory to say that he was ever ready to assist in any good movement. In April 1882, he qualified as a Magistrate for the county and from that time he was a constant attendant at the sittings of the Tendring Hundred bench, taking an intelligent interest in all business that came before him. In politics Mr. Sewell was a thoroughly sound and earnest Conservative, believing the Conservative Party were the best friends of agriculturalists and of the county at large.
Mr. Sewell leaves a widow, but no family.


Maureen is unable to identify Frederick Sole as no personal information is given. However Ian Sewell, Research Co-ordinator for the Sewells tells me that Daniel Sewell was born 1820 in Little Oakley, Essex and married Mary Ann Cox Fenn on 3 August 1854 in Wrabness, Essex. As the article says, they had no children.
In the 1851 census Daniel Sewell was a farmer of 110 acres employing 8 labourers and was living with his father Russel Sewell (63, born Sproughton Suffolk, farmer of 650 acres employing 40 labs) and his sister Elizabeth and three servants. In the 1881 census, the last before he died he is a farmer of 73 acres employing 36 men and 2 boys. He is living with his wife Marion (sic) Cox Sewell, niece and two servants and is resident in Beaumont Cum Moze, Essex.
Ian Sewell has a copy of his will and as you will see from the the confirmation that it was proved he left nearly £35,000 net to his family (some for their lifetime), servants and charities. The residue of his estate went to his brother Eade Sewell.

Confirmation that Daniel Sewell’s will was proved