A Little More on the Lost Souls

By Rosemary Bailey

This article was published in the August 2022 edition of Soul Search, the Journal of The Sole Society

Back in April 2002 the Soul Search contained an article by Michael Walsh about five brothers, Albert, Fred, Walter, Arthur and Alfred Souls who were all tragically killed in the first world war. The article was originally published in the November 2001 edition of Saga and reprinted with their permission. It contains the moving words ’The Imperial War Museum and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission know of no greater sacrifice by a British family’ . The article is well worth a read and can be found at:
Recently, in my role of desk top publishing for the journal of the Oxfordshire Family History Society I was sent a photo of the memorial in St John the Baptist at Great Rissington, Gloucestershire, which included the five Souls brothers and also a poem on display there which was written for the men. Both are reproduced here.

Memorial in St John the Baptist at Great Rissington
The poem to Albert, Fred, Walter, Arthur and Alfred Souls which appears in St John the Baptist Church in Great Rissington. With thanks to Sue Honore for photos for this article.