SOLLEY Co-ordinator’s Report December 2022

George Solly By George Solly

I have had were two contacts since the last newsletter:
The first was from David Godfrey-Smith from Falmouth, Tasmania, Australia who was asking about Richard Solly who died in 1836 Boulogne sur Mer. David wrote:
Well over ten years has slipped by since I first started trying to identify the parents of my 3G grandfather Richard Solly who died 31 Jul 1836 in Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, France at age 36. You published a note in the journal way back then, which was much appreciated.
To recap, I believe Richard Solly (1800-1836) was married to Elizabeth Maynard (1796-1873) on 23 May 1825 at St Mary the Virgin, Dover, Kent, England. Richard (Bachelor) and Elizabeth (Spinster) were married by Richard Charles Cox. Both were “OTP” so I have always assumed they were from Dover not elsewhere in Kent. 
Richard and Elizabeth must have moved to France soon after their marriage as their four children were born there, starting in 1826. They lived on Rue de Monsigny, Lower Town in Boulogne-sur-Mer. I always thought Richard was an engineer or architect, but he is listed as a “carpenter” on daughter Ellen’s (my great great grandmother) birth record; she was born in in Boulogne-Sur-Mer, France and baptized in the British Chapel on 22 Jan 1832. Her birth is recorded in the UK, Foreign and Overseas Registers of British Subjects. Reportedly she spoke French before she spoke English. The other children were Richard (1826-1826), Richard Henry (1827-1831), Henry (1830-1847).
Richard’s death is recorded in the UK, Foreign and Overseas Registers of British Subjects and I was able to determine his actual death date from Archives, Pas-de-Calais:
AD62 Tables
If one assumes the age at death is accurate that would make Richard’s birth 1799-1800… theoretically between 31 July 1799 and 30 July 1800.  Elizabeth remarried in 1840 to William Burton and family folklore says Ellen’s step-father was so unkind to her she ran away from home and went to live with relatives, probably in England where she had lots of cousins with surnames including Nicholas and Cole. 
Ellen shows up at age 19 in the 1851 Berkshire Census as a 19 year old assistant teacher of French residing at Bath Place, St Mary, Reading in a school run by Mary Ann Welch.
Identifying  the parents of  Richard Solly (b 1800 d 1836) has been a roadblock for well over a decade now.  I would sincerely appreciate any insights you might have and any advice for further research as I seem to have exhausted all my online options!
With best regards, David
Sadly I was unable to help David. The only Richard Solley I could find that vaguely fits geographically and chronologically was one baptised 16/08/1801 St Lawrence. His parents were Mary and George Solley.
I let him know, but said I would include his query in this newsletter. I also told him that I have a similar roadblock in my tree which has eluded me for decades (George Isaac Roberts, g grandfather b 1829 date of death unknown)
David replied: Many thanks for your effort. I’d always thought Smith would be my most obvious roadblock but clearly it’s Solly! In a way I’m
relieved you’ve been unsuccessful as that means I’ve done a reasonable job of researching this (albeit unsuccessfully) over the years. As you say, maybe someone else will have some information via the journal and thank you for writing about it. 
Thank you again for trying to solve this. 
Regards, David

Member Peregrine Solly has also been in contact. He emailed:
Dear George,
I am sorry that I couldn’t make the Annual Meeting, but I hope that it went well and you had a good turn out?
Rosemary may have let you know that I am looking into another of my forebears, William Henry Solly (1714-1770). William Henry was a solicitor in Sandwich and was elected Mayor in 1747, and also held the role of a Jurat and was made the Bailiff for Sandwich in 1738. Ironically, he missed out on being a canopy bearer as the honour went to his older brother, Richard, who carried the canopy in 1760 for George the Third’s coronation, which was written about in last December’s issue of this journal.
I have a number of documents connected to William Henry Solly, a Day Book and some ledgers, and a parchment confirming his appointment as Bailiff and Verger at Sandwich. The parchment has George III’s seal attached and was signed by the Lord Privy Seal (although I don’t recognise the signature). It also attracted a reasonable salary of 12p a day. 
I wondered if you know anything much about William Henry Solly? He seems to have been another relatively big cheese in Sandwich; but he hasn’t left as much of a footprint as some of my other relatives. 
With best wishes Peregrine.
I replied:
Dear Peregrine, 
I am always vey pleased to receive your most interesting emails.
The AGM meeting went well and it was nice to be face-to-face again.
I don’t have much on William Henry Solly (WHS) just the bare genealogical facts that you probably have.  
His father Richard 1674-1731 was also mayor but a woollen draper not solicitor.
WHS is descended from my 10th generation of Solly’s, Richard 1674-1738 and Mary Proude.
Do keep me posted on whatever you find and maybe it will provide another article for the Journal.
It is always fascinating to have possession of physical artefacts and documents relating to a family member.
With best wishes George. 
William Henry Solly’s ancestors were:
Richard Solly, 1633-1683 m. Mary Proude, their 4th child:
Richard Solly 1674 – 1731 m. Anna Cricket 1674-1731, their 13th child:
William Henry Solly 1714-1770