The Sole Society, a Family History Society researching Sole, Saul, Sewell, Solley and similar names


Lois Rula Solley Thompson in Pennsylvania

These pictures have kindly been provided by Lois Thompson Rekowski

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Lois Rula Solley Thompson with Sunday School class

In this photograph, you can see my grandmother in the back row at the far right. Her baby brother, Roscoe Solley is in the back row as well, third from the right. I am suspecting this photo was taken immediately before her leaving for normal school. I believe this is a picture of her Sunday school class at the time.

Grandma gave up her teaching career when she married. She went on to have three surviving children, two of whom are teachers and one who is a nurse. My grandfather died in 1954 and she returned to work as a clerk in a hardware store until her retirement in the mid 1960's.

She was a generous lady and stayed involved in her church as long as she was able. The annual church homecoming would bring Solleys from far and wide to her home. Somehow, almost akin to the parable of the fishes and loaves, she had food to feed all comers. A typical repast included ham, fresh corn-on-the-cob, homemade noodles in chicken broth, all cooked up on a coal-burning stove in the heat of summer. We marvel at what she accomplished! Folks would sit in the house or on the back porch visiting. Kids would be playing in the yard. It was quite a happy time for all and was held the last Sunday of the summer before our Labor Day holiday.

The last photo shows her in the 1960's. She later encountered severe problems with her hip, and went to live with my aunt, where she passed away in 1987.

Lois Rula Solley Thompson

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