The Sole Society, a Family History Society researching Sole, Saul, Sewell, Solley and similar names


The women of Sole Bros circus

Australian descendants of the Kelshall Sole line

The following photograph is a studio portrait showing the women of Sole Bros circus.  Left to right, they are Ethel Sole, Eliza (Perry) Sole, Jean Lindsay (later Perry), Mary (Sole) Lindsay, and Maggie Sole. Eliza was the mother of the "Sole Brothers", however it was one of the Sole granddaughters, Mary Lindsay, who eventually took over the running of the circus, and then passed it on to her daughter Jean. Ethel was born 1903 and died 1983;  Eliza (Perry) Sole was born 17 Oct 1866, married in 1891 and she died in 1938.  Jean Lindsay was born in 1923, her mother Mary was born in 1892 and died in 1975, and Maggie was born in 1896. I'd say Jean was 2 or 3 at the time this was taken, so that would put the photo at about 1925/6.

The women of Sole Bros Circus

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