The Sole Society, a Family History Society researching Sole, Saul, Sewell, Solley and similar names


Annie Sole

These family pictures have been provided by Neil Paddock


Annie SOLE

1) Annie SOLE (1883 - ??) is Neil's great grandmother who was born in India the daughter of serving soldier Henry John Brambley SOLE and Lucy Maria GIFFORD who were married in Bangalor in 1881. Annie had one child out of wedlock in 1899 named William Primrose SOLE but I understand he was always known as Bill. Annie subsequently married Arthur John THORNE in 1904 at Wimborne, Dorset and had a further seven children. Neil's grandfather was their first born Arthur James (Jim) THORNE.



William Primrose (Bill) SOLE on HMS Wild Swan is third from left

William Primrose (Bill) SOLE on HMS Wild Swan is third from left




William Primrose (Bill) SOLE in Royal Navy is second from left

William Primrose (Bill) SOLE in Royal Navy is second from left


2 & 3 - William Primrose (Bill) SOLE (1899 - 1941) was born to Annie in Sixpenny Handley, Dorset. He married Dorothy Marie PAULL in 1922 in Wimborne and they had four children. Their third son Francis was briefly a member of the Society but his membership has lapsed. Bill was in the Royal Navy and died on board HMS Manistee when it was sunk during WW2.



Arthur James (Jim) THORNE (1904 - 96)


4 - Arthur James (Jim) THORNE (1904 - 96) was Neil's grandfather. The photo was taken between 1936 and 1939.



Margaret (Peg) THORNE (nee OLGIVIE)1907-1993

5 - Margaret (Peg) THORNE (nee OGILVIE)1907-1993 was Neil's grandmother. The photo was taken between 1927 & 1937


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