The Sole Society, a Family History Society researching Sole, Saul, Sewell, Solley and similar names

Sole family pictures

From Jennifer Ball

Jennifer's Sole family has been traced back to Kent and then moved to East London, with more recent lines in Essex

Click on the small picture for a larger version

Thumbnail of William Ernest Sole born 25th October 1879, taken about 1890

William Ernest Sole born 25th October 1879, taken about 1890


Thumbnail of William (Bill) Sole born 11th October 1913, taken about 1940, R.A.S.C.

William (Bill) Sole born 11th October 1913, taken about 1940, R.A.S.C.


Thumbnail of the wedding of William Ernest Sole and Victoria Fergusson.

William Ernest Sole and Victoria Fergusson.

Wedding 31st March 1907 at St John's, Wapping, London. The groom's mother is front left and his two half sisters, Lily and May Stevens are also in the front row. Behind the bride are two of her sisters, Alice and Emma.


Thumbnail of Mr & Mrs William E. Sole holidaying in Folkestone in September 1936.

Mr & Mrs William E. Sole holidaying in Folkestone in September 1936.

William was born 25th October 1879, and his wife 7th March 1876


Thumbnail of Sisters Connie Sole born 31st October 1910 and Vic Sole born 3rd April 1908.  

Sisters Connie Sole born 31st October 1910 and Vic Sole born 3rd April 1908.

Connie was in the Forget-Me-Knot patrol

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