The Sole Society, a Family History Society researching Sole, Saul, Sewell, Solley and similar names

SAUL Co-ordinator's Report December 1992

by Rosemary Bailey

At the A.G.M. I had two volunteers to help me with the research into the Saul name. John Slaughter has kindly offered to chart the Sauls of Norfolk and Lincolnshire, while Hilary Lycett will be charting the Suffolk Sauls. John has already started charting with enthusiasm while Hilary has yet to begin. I briefly described some of John's research in the last Journal. Hilary's ancestors were from the quaint town of Lavenham in Suffolk.

If any other Saul researchers would like to become a 'Stem Co-ordinator' please do contact me. I am having my first baby in February and so any help will be appreciated!

A non-member from Eire has sent me some details of three Saul families from Drumconnath, Co. Meeth. These are: the family of Peter Saul (born c1800), the family of Denis Saul (born c1810) and the family of Thomas Saul (born c1812).

He obtained the information from a Parish Census of 2 April 1871. He says: "Officially the census was a parish census; in reality, it is a pirated copy of the government census of 2 April 1871. The parish priest of the time waylaid the enumerator and transcribed all the returns (for 33 town lands) into the parish records. The priest then added his own comments against many names e.g. 'still beats his wife' and 'fond of a glass'. One unfortunate child aged 8 is described as 'an idle boy'. This census is the only surviving remnant of the Irish 1871 census".

The parish priest recorded that two of the sons of Denis were working in Scotland and that another enlisted in the British Army. It may be then, that mainland Sauls are descended from these boys.

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